

Web page updated (removed error 404 urls) on 16 April 2023          Disclaimer click here.

Meteorological Charts North Atlantic and Europe

Latest Satellite Image for Europe


Meteorological Charts for the World / Oceans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Atlantic Hurricanes - Katrina - Rita - Wilma / Tropical Storms . .

MSLP Analysis - Forecast - Europe - North Atlantic

UKMO MSLP Synoptic Charts Analysis and Prognosis . . T+00 . +24 . +36 . +48 . +60 . +72 . +84 . +96 . +120 . +144 . . UKMO, Exeter . . Analyses Charts 00z 06z 12z 18z. .Larger Sized Charts

MSLP Analysis . . . . Forecast Surface and Upper Air Charts from DWD . . UKMO

Animated Surface Pressure Forecast . . T+00 . . +12 . . +24 . . +36 . . +48 . . +60 . . . UK Meteorological Office

North Atlantic Analysis . . Forecast T+24 . . +48 . . +96 hr . . Surface Pressure . . 500 mb . . Wave Height . Period . Direction . . Pacific . Analysis . Forecast

North Atlantic - Eastern USA . . MSLP . . 500 mb Height . . Wind - Wave Height . .T+0 . . +24 . . +48 . . +96

European Mesoscale Model for Solar Radiation . . Atlantic and Global . . GFS . . MSLP . . Surface Wind . . Wave Height . . Visibility . . Precipitation . . Sea Temperature

MSLP Analysis with Observation Data - Europe - North Atlantic

MSLP Analysis with Plotted Observations . . North East Atlantic . . Europe . . Mediterranean

UK Map of Wind . . Temperature . . MSLP . . Weather . . Visibility . . XCweather

MSLP - Forecast - Europe - North Atlantic

MSLP - 500 mb Height Forecast . . . T+00 to T+240

MSLP - 500 hpa Forecast . . T+120 to T+384 . . Wetterzentrale

MSLP . . Fronts

Forecast UKMO MSLP . . 500 hpa . . 2 Metre Temperatures . . 10 Metre Wind Speed . . Precipitation . . Cape Lifted Index

Forecast Models - Europe - North Atlantic

Atmospheric Models . . Global . . Tropical . . Regional . . FNMOC Navy

FNMOC ENSEMBLE FORECAST SYSTEM (EFS) . . Gale . . Precipitation . . Probability

Forecast Model Animations . . North America . . Europe . . MSLP 1000/500 mb . . Upper Air . . Cloud . . Precipitation

GFS . North Atlantic Europe . 500 mb MSLP . Precipitation . Jetstream 300 mb . 0deg Isotherm . Forecast +6 hr to +384 hr . Archive Charts . Meteociel

GFS . North Atlantic Europe . up to T+384z . MSLP-850 hpa . 0deg Isotherms . Wind . Precipitation . Cloud . Snow Risk . 250 mb Wind . 500 mb Height

GFS Forecast Model . . North Atlantic Europe  1000 mb / 500 mb . Thickness . . . 00z to +384z

GFS 16 day Forecast . . Euro / UK Temperatures . . MSLP . . Wind Speed & Direction . . 3 Hour Precipitation . . Jet Stream 300 mb

500 mb / 850 mb Height & Temperature . . 1000 mb / 500 mb Thickness & MSLP . . UK Snow Risk . . UK 0 Degree Isotherm Height . . UK Snow Cover

International Research Institute . Seasonal Assessment and Forecast . Europe and World Continents . Season Temperature . Precipitation . Anomaly . Probability Forecast

Metcheck Forecasts

Naval European Meteorology and Oceanography Centre

Wetterzentrale Prognosis T+0 to T+384 . . North Atlantic & Europe

UK Climate and Weather Statistics . . Monthly and Annual Summaries . . UKMO

Temperature - Cloud - Europe - North Atlantic

Cloud Cover . . Europe & North East Atlantic Ocean

Surface Temperature Forecast and Anomaly 5 and 10 Day . . NCEP

Precipitation - Europe

Precipitation (accumulated) . . 7 day Forecast

Precipitation Time Series . . 30 day . . 90 day . . 365 day . . USA . . Canada . . Europe . . Africa . . South . . America . . Australasia . . Asia

RADAR - Europe Precipitation

RADAR - UK - Europe Precipitation - Lightning

UK Regional Precipitation Series . . Historic Tabular Text Data from 1873 . . UK Met Office Hadley Centre

Hydrological data for United Kingdom

Environmental Agency River and Sea Levels ( England ). . . . .( Wales )

Map of river level monitoring stations ( England )

Hydrological ( monthly summaries ) Reviews UK

Publications from the National River Flow Archive ( NRFA )

Live River Thames Tidal Observations & Barrier Calculations

Wind - Europe

Wind . 5 day Forecast

Visualized World Wind Stream Lines Estimated by a Supercomputer . SFC-1000-850-700-500-250-70-10 hPa . . . Ocean Waves . Updated every 3 hours . . Ocean Surface Current Estimate Updated Every 1 Day

Radiosonde - Upper Air Charts

Jetstream Analysis . UK . North Atlantic

Jetstream Northern Hemisphere Forecast

Radiosonde Charts . . Europe . . Charts  T-log  Stuve Theta . . Charts for previous 7 days

Radiosonde Charts . . Stuttgart . . munchen . . Idar Oberst . . Kummersbr . . Meiningen . . Schleswig . . Greifswald . . Lindenberg . . Essen . . Dresden
Bergen . . Payerne . . Nancy . . Wein . . Prague . . Mailand . . Lyon . .Brest . . Bordeaux . . Palma de Mall . . Lajes/Azores
Keflavik . . Nottingham . . Stavanger . . Kopenhagen . . Warschau / Leg . . Innsbruck

Skew-T / Stuve . . Archived Soundings North / South America . South Pacific . New Zealand . Antarctica . Arctic . Europe . Africa . Southeast Asia . Middle East

Upper Air Radiosonde Data . . 5 Figure Coded WMO Current Available Data . . Open with Windows Notepad

Understanding the Skew-T Chart . . . [ linked to net-weather forum ]Skew-T Chart Explanation

UK Tephigrams . . Abelmarle . . Camborne . . Castor Bay . . Herstmonceux . . Lerwick . . Nottingham . . . (weatheronline)

Archived Surface Analysis and Historical Charts

UK Climate Maps and Data . . . UK Meteorological Office

British Isles Climatological Data . . This Links to Roger Brugge's . . web site which has a vast quantity of very useful data

British Isles Daily Weather diary / summary years1999.2000.2001.2002.2003.2004.2005.2006.2007.2008.2009.2010.2011.2012.2013.2014.2015.2016.2017.2018.2019.2020

British Weather Extremes . TORRO

1946 - 1947 (December - March). Daily MSLP Charts UK

1962 - 1963 - Daily (December - March) Synoptic MSLP Charts at 0600z  UK / Western Europe . . Summaries***

British Winter Chills . . . . . 1947 . . 1962 / 1963 . . ( UK Meteorological Office Historical )

DWD Archived Surface Analysis With Plotted Observations from 2003 . . North Atlantic & Europe . . Archived Charts 00z 06z 12z 18z

Europe . . Archived Forecast Database 2001 to 2017 . . Pollutant . . Air quality . . Chemograms . . Weather . . Meteograms . . University of Cologne

Historic Daily Surface Pressure . . 500mb . . Charts North Atlantic and Europe from 1899 to 2014 . .

Historical World Temperature Graphs . . Northern and Southern Hemisphere

North America and Canada Daily Weather Charts . . Year 2002 to present

Surface Analysis 00z Historic Archived . . North Atlantic . . Europe Charts from January 1998 to 2010 . . Charts by UK Meteorological Office

UK Severe Frost 7th 8th 9th January 1982 . . Analysis Charts from Daily Weather Report Meteorological Office

UK Weather and Climate Summaries . . . . . UK Met Office

Meteorological Office UK Monthly Weather Summaries for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - YouTube Video

2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . April.May.June.July.August.September.October.November.December

2013. January.February.March.April.May.June.July.August.September. October . November .December

2014 .January.February.March.April.May.June.July.August.September

2015 . . . . . . .. February. . . . . . .April.May.June.July. August .September.October

Recent Issues of the Daily Weather Summary . . . . . UK Meteorological Office


UK Meteorological Office . . . Land Surface Climate Station Records . . . Released for Climate Change Investigation

NCDC Climatic Data Centre . . . NOAA

UNEP - Vital Climate Graphs

North Atlantic Oscillation

North Atlantic Oscillation Index 1874 to 2005 . . . Azores / Iceland Monthly / Seasonal MSLP and Anomalies . . NAO Monthly Index Anomaly Figures

Aviation Weather

Aviation Weather Center . . National Weather Service . USA

Aviation Information and Weather TAF METAR . . London Volmet Main / North / South . . European Volmet


All latest METARs from any listed country on one page

METAR . . . . . . Decoded into English Text . . EuropeSNOWTAM . Decoder into English text . . JavaScript

METAR . TAF . Norway . . Sweden . . Finland . . Denmark

METAR . TAF . Decoded into English Text Report . . 4000 Airports Listed

METAR . . . . . . Meteograms . . Observations . . Current date to Previous 30 day Archive for any Hour . . World Aerodromes

METAR . TAF . SIGMET . . World Airports

*software*  METAR Weather decoder for Windows XP . . . Freeware for non commercial use . . . Can load METAR coded data from internet or file

METAR .. TAF .. Aerodrome Reports Selected From Map

METAR . TAF . NOTAM . Map default set for UK but can selected for other countries. Hover the mouse pointer over aerodrome location on the map to read the latest report (3_hour 6_hour 9_hour 12_hour) . orbifly

Selected UK/International . . Last 24_hours rolling METAR archive . . Metbrief and Wyoming University

Snow Cover - Europe

Snow Risk Forecast Maps For The UK . . . . provided by


Snow Depth [Europe] . . . Current and Forecast upto +240 hours

Arctic - Antarctic

Antarctic Ice Logistics Portal

Arctic & Antarctic Polar Sea Ice Charts . . . . Previous 30 day Animation

Antarctic News

Canadian Arctic Infrared Composite Satellite Image

Canadian Ice Service . . Ice Conditions . . East / West Arctic . . Hudson Bay . . Great Lakes . . East Coast

Current Sea Ice Information Charts . . . 5 Day Ocean Forecast . . . Danish Meterological Institute

Greenland . . Sea Ice Chart . . Norway Meteorological Institute

Greenland Summit Camp (atop 3200 metres of Ice) . . . Weather Station Monitor . . . Webcam

Historical Arctic Ice Charts . . Years 1550 to 2002 . . Greenland Sea . . Barents Sea .. Climate and Cryoshpere Goole drive zip files

Iceberg and Sea Ice Analysis . Grand Banks of Newfoundland . USCG International Ice Patrol

Interactive Arctic Weather Map . . Current Weather Reports

Sea Ice index . . Concentration . . Anomalies . . Arctic . . Antarctica

Vostok #89606 Weather Report

Vostok Weather Station #89606 Antarctica . . . . . Climate data average . . Monthly Surface Temperature 1958 - 2012

Satellite - Arctic - Antarctic

Antarctic . . Infrared

Sea & Ocean - Temperature - Wave - Swell & Wind Conditions

All Ocean & Sea Area Significant Weather. .North Atlantic Wave Height and Direction. .Plotted Marine Observations. .Sea Surface Temperature

Atlantic Ocean Surface Currents . . General . . not regular Observations

Atlantic North - Mediterranean . . Combined Sea Height Analysis . . Fleet Weather Center - Norfolk - USA

Baltic Sea Temperature and Ice Conditions

North Atlantic Ocean-State Wave Period and Direction 0hr to +180hr Forecast

North Atlantic SST 7 day period . .SST AnomalySST Eastern Pacific 7 day period. . SST Anomaly

North East Atlantic Surface Analysis with Plotted Temperature and Wind Observations

Northern Hemisphere buoy report Observations

North Sea Temperature  7 day Average . . . . . Baltic Sea Temperature 7 day Average

Sea Surface Temperature Global

Sea Temperature and Ice Conditions . . North East Atlantic . . Greenland Sea . . North Sea . . Norwegian Sea . . Baltic Sea . . Barents Sea

UK  local Weather . . Inshore Forecasts . . Shipping Forecasts . . 14 day Tide Tables . . Synoptic Charts . . 24 Hour Forecasts

UK Offshore Marine Weather Plotted Surface Observations . . North Sea . . English Channel . . Irish Sea

UK Shipping Forecast. .UK Inshore Waters Forecast. .UK Port Tide Times and Tidal Height Data. .Tidal Predictions for UK & Irish Ports

Wave Height (FNMOC) . . Direction . . Period . . Swell . . Forecast up to T+144 . . Atlantic . Pacific . Indian Ocean . Central America . World

World . . Wind . . Wave Height Swell . . Synoptic & synopsis Charts

World Forecast . . Wind . . Wave . . Tide . . Archived GFS data . . windguru

Sea & Ocean Temperature - Conditions - Gulf Stream - NW / SW Atlantic - Canadian Arctic Ice

Ocean Surface Currents . . Atlantic . . Indian . . Pacific . . Polar . . Marginal . . Basin Maps

Sea Surface Temperature . . . Gulf Stream North - SouthNorth West AtlanticSouth West AtlanticGulf of Mexico

Tides - High & Low Water - Height - Not for navigation or safety. Please refer to official tide tables for operational use.

Admiralty EasyTide . . Today and  +6 Day Tidal Prediction . . Low & High Water Height Times and Graphs . . Most World Ports Listed

Tide Predictions for Australia . . . New Zealand . . South Pacific . . Antarctica

UK Tides Tables

UK and Irish ports . . . UK Tide Gauge Network real time Charting . . . National Tidal and Sea Level Facility

Please use any Tide Prediction Software for General Awareness or Interest Only. . . Refer to Official Tide Tables Where Safety and / or Navigation is Required.

SOFTWARE -Jtides (Freeware)

SOFTWARE -WXTide32 . .Tide Prediction for PC . (Freeware) . . 1.52MB Zipped

Sferics - Lightning - Europe

Convective Weather Maps . . Europe or USA

Blitzortung Europe Sferics . . Strikes . . Density . . Storms . . Archive

Lightning Map . . Live Sferics . . Strikes . . Density

European Storm Forecast Experiment . [ ESTOFEX ] . . . Archived Forecasts from October 2002

Lightning discharges . . . Belgium . . . Germany . . . France . . . Great Britain . . . Netherlands . . . Austria . . . Switzerland . . . Europe

Live Earth Map of Lightning Strikes

Sferics Activity Maps in Europe . . Live

Sferics Europe . . Lightning Strikes over 2 Hour Period (plot delayed by 1 Hour) . . Updated every 15 minutes

Sferics UK and Europe . . Total Strike Count upto 60 Minutes . . . UK Temperature Tracker . . More Meteorological GFS Charts . . . [ ]

World Wide Lightning Location Network  WWLLN . . . Wideband VLF Spectrum Charts

Stormvue / Boltek Lightning Detectors - 350 mile radius Europe

Lightning activity during last 95 minutes within UK . . North Sea and near Europe mainland . . Boltek lightning detector located Southern Pennines

Isle of Wight . UK

Upminster . Essex . UK


South France [Peypin, Rhone] Sferics live plot

South East Germany

West Germany

Polar Orbit Satellite Imagery

JHU / APL . . AVHRR Dynamic Tracking . . NOAA Satellite Archived Images USA Regions

Satellite HRPT Provided by Wokingham Weather

NOAA  Europe . . Infrared and / or Visible Spectrum

Geostationary Satellite Imagery

North America. . . . .Europe. . . . .Pacific Ocean.

Europe Meteosat Imagery . . Infrared . . Visible . . Water Vapour.

Europe and North Atlantic . . . Satellite Cloud Animation of Past 24 Hours . . . Norway Met Institute.

Global Satellite Imagery from Meteosat . . . Zoom into area of interest . . . Live Earthquake data

Latest 24 Hours of Geostationary Satellite Images Covering the Globe . . . High Resolution

Meteosat Infrared Image . . . North Atlantic . . . Europe . . . Significant Weather

Meteosat . . . . . Europe . . . . . America . . . . . Africa . . . . . Asia . . . . . Australasia

Satellite Weather Images of . . . Europe . . . Africa . . . North America . . . South America . . . Asia . . . Australia . . . Oceania . . . Cyclones . . . Tropical Storms

Scandinavia . . . Satellite Cloud Image Animated Loop . . . Finish Meteorological Institute

Satellite High Resolution Imagery

MODIS Gulf of Mexico . . Most Recent True Colour RGB

NOAA Geostationary Satellite Server

World coverage . . . Pictures & Images from most Geostationary Satellites . . . The Weather Channel

Satellite Standard Resolution Imagery

Global Imagery . . . . . . Cloud Tops. . . . . .Tropics

Satellite Meteorology . . . . . Monterey Marine Division

Tropical Storm & Hurricane Areas . . . . . Atlantic . . . . . Pacific . . . . . Severe Storm Image Segments

UK  Weather RADAR

British Isles & Ireland . . Benelux . . France . . Germany . . Animated loop updated every 15 minutes . . Observation time is CET

Meteorological Office UK . . . . . . . . . . . British Isles Rainfall RADAR

Mainland Europe Weather RADAR

Satellite High Resolution Imagery

OSEI . . ( NOAA ) . . Satellite Imagery

NOAA Geostationary Satellite Server

Meteorological Links 1

Analysis of Surface . . Upper Air . . RADAR . . Forecasts . . Climate Data . . Aviation Maps

Dutch Meteor Society

Japan Meteorological Agency ( JMA )

OGIMET . . World Forecast GFS Charts . METAR . TAF . SYNOP . Upper Air TEMP - PILOT

TopKarten . . Wetterzentrale Germany . . European Charts . . GFS . . JMA . . ECMWF . . ENS . . GME . . NOGAPS . . UKMO . . FAX

UK Latest Marine/Coast Observations . . Meteorological Office UK

Weather Charts from ECMWF . . . Ocean Analysis . . Seasonal Forecast . . MARS archive

Meteorological Links 2

Chilbolton Observatory Weather Web . . Weather RADAR . . LIDAR . . Cloud RADAR . . Cloud camera . . Meteorological data

Epping Weather - Essex , UK . . Precise Meteorological Reports From 1979 . . .

Metbrief . . Aviation TAF . . METAR . . RADAR . . Charts . . Satellite . . Current Weather . .

National Hurricane Center . . . NWS

National Physical Laboratory (NPL) Teddington UK Online Barograph Trace . . Daily , Weekly and Archived Barograph Trace

Roger Brugge's Weather page

TORRO . . Tornado and Storm research

Satellite Imagery of Iceland Volcano Ash - Eyjafjallajokull - Eruption Advisory

Volcanic Ash Advisory from London - Issued Graphics . . UK Met Office

Volcanic Ash Forecast . . Animated Chart with MSLP . . Norway Meteorological Institute

Radio Facsimile and Volmet Broadcasts

HF WEFAX and NAVTEX  World Radio Fax Listing of Frequencies and Schedules

NAVTEX . live messages . Cullercoats . Niton . Ostend . Portpatrick.Please note data maybe unreliable. Use official data source for ALL navigation and safety

Northwood, London Royal Navy . . GYA  HF Radio Fax Schedule

Radio Facsimile Useful Info

Road and Weather Webcams - UK - Europe

UK Webcams

Europe Webcams




Norwegian . . 200+ Webcams

Tromso Norway

Oymyakon  (Oimyakon - Oimekon - Oimjakon)  Russia

Oymyakon #24688 (Oimyakon . Oimekon) Russia . . Meteorological Report for . 00z . 06z . 12z . 18z . . Archived Daily Reports from 1998**********

Oymyakon Geographic Map 1. . . . . . .Oymyakon Geographic Map 2

Tomtor Village Picture . . 40km from Oymyakon . . Links to Webpage Expedition . . Oymyakon, Siberia, Russia, January 2004

More Charts / Forecasts for Russia

Siberian Cold Locations

Verkhoiansk  (Verkhoyanski / Verkhoyansk . . Pole of Cold) . . Temperature . Cloud Cover . Precipitation During Previous Week


Weather Stations - Weather Instruments and Accessories (Electronic / Digital) . . .

Cloud Appreciation Society . . Many Good Cloud Photographs

Earth View . . Display daylight or night on Earth . . Orthographic or Mercator map projection . . View from Sun angle or latitude longitude location

National Electricity UK Grid Near Real Time Frequency Meter (indicator of national total load demand versus total power generation)

UK National Grid Power Demand Chart

G.B. National Grid Status

RealClimate . . Climate Science from Climate Scientists

Satellite Real Time Tracking on Google Maps (Default Satellite ISS - International Space Station)

Sun Clock . . Displays on World Map the Illumination of the Sun on the Earth . . Day-Night-Twilight . . Real Time

Synoptic Meteorological Station Reports . . All Countries . . WMO 5 Figure Synop . . Source from OGImet

The great UK Storm of 16 / 17 October 1987 . . . Youtube Short Video

Video - Weather - Climate . . YouTube - these are a few videos found on the internet

Winter UK chills . . 1947 and 1963 . . UK Met Office

World Cities as Photographed by Satellite . . . These are cloud free Images . . . Not live or Weather related

Russia's Weather Server . . Weather Forecasts . . Russia regional . . Europe . . Observations Russia . . Europe . . Africa . . Antarctica . . Asia

0 Degrees Celsius is NOT the same value as 0 Degrees Centigrade , read here

Airfield Information Search . . .Technical Information . . . Airfield Aerial Photos . . . NOTAMS . . . TAF

Climate prediction simulation experiment using your PC . . .

Ensemble . . tutorial from NOAA

Meteorological Glossary Index

UK Metoffice Yourube Videos Monlthly for year 2014 . . .January.February.March.April.May.June.July.August.September . . Guide to Snowflakes . . Snow crystals . . Ice phenomena

World Sunrise / Sunset calculator

Sustainable Energy — without the hot air - David McKay - free ebook PDF 12MB

Youtube Video - Britain National Grid Peak Power Demand - clip from the BBC TV series - Britain from Above


Earthquakes Hazard Program

Earthquake . Realtime California Seismograph Live Earthquake News . . . Live YoutubeFeed

Site Map - (global) charts - page 2 - Global

Atmospheric Phenomena
Aviation Weather Global
undefinedEl Ninoundefined
undefinedEurope and North Atlantic - Forecast Modelsundefined
undefinedEurope and North Atlantic - Forecast - Gale - sigwxundefined
undefinedGlobal Medium Range Forecastsundefined
undefinedGlobal Weather and Climateundefined
undefinedHong Kong and Surrounding Countriesundefined
undefinedHurricane Katrina and other Past Hurricanesundefined
undefinedHurricanes Typhoons Tropical Stormsundefined
undefinedIceland Greenland - North & South Polar Regionsundefined
undefinedMalaysia and Sumatra - Borneo - Philippinesundefined
undefinedMiddle Eastundefined
undefinedMiscellaneous Informationundefined
undefinedNew Zealandundefined
undefinedNorth America - Canada - Alaskaundefined
undefinedPacific Ocean - Indian Ocean - South Atlanticundefined
undefinedSatellite Images Northern Hemisphereundefined
undefinedSferics and RADAR Various World Locationsundefined
undefinedSouth Africaundefined
undefinedSouth Americaundefined
undefinedSouth Asiaundefined
undefinedUpper Atmosphere North America - Canada - Polarundefined
undefinedWorld Weather Observations and Forecastsundefined

undefined - miscellaneous - page3undefinedundefined


undefinedArctic Antarctic Polarundefined
undefinedLinks to be sortedundefined
undefinedOther web pages at weathercharts.orgundefined


Links to my Sisters webpages.undefined





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No guarantees are provided and no responsibility or liability borne concerning the accuracy or timeliness of the published images or data from any web link provided on this website.undefined
All charts and web links are provided on an "as is" basis, whose content, accuracy, or suitability is beyond this webmaster control.undefined
For any safety and / or navigational purposes, always consult directly with the appropriate official meteorological department.undefined




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